Dave Bondy
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Massive voter registration fraud in Pennsylvania

LANCASTER, PA — The Lancaster County Board of Commissioners and the Lancaster County Board of Elections held a press conference to announce findings of potential voter registration fraud in their ongoing election processes. In light of the allegations, County District Attorney Heather Adams has launched an investigation, with preliminary findings indicating that many fraudulent applications may be connected to large-scale canvassing operations.

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"Conducting elections that voters can feel confident in is our duty," stated Josh Parsons, chairman of the Board of Commissioners and vice chairman of the Board of Elections. He emphasized that Lancaster County prioritizes "integrity, veracity, and transparency" in each election cycle. Adams confirmed that the elections office had received approximately 2,500 voter registration applications near the registration deadline, many of which appeared to contain false or duplicate information.

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“Our team noticed numerous applications with the same handwriting and signatures,” Adams said. “In some cases, applications contained accurate personal details, but the individuals later confirmed that they did not complete or sign the forms.” She indicated that 60% of reviewed applications were confirmed fraudulent, with indications of fictitious addresses and inconsistent social security information.


The fraudulent applications primarily originated from public spaces such as grocery store parking lots and sidewalks, where canvassers had approached residents. Lancaster County detectives have confirmed similar cases of suspected fraud in two other counties, underscoring the seriousness of the investigation. "Forgery of applications is a third-degree felony punishable by up to seven years in prison and a fine of $15,000," Adams warned, adding that the investigation is ongoing and will involve all available detectives.

Commissioner Parsons, highlighting the diligent work of election staff, reiterated Lancaster County’s commitment to secure elections. "This may be the largest, most complex election in our history," Parsons said. "But we have no time for political games. Our elections are secure, and we will hold accountable those who attempt to undermine them."

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October 24, 2024
Michigan school board member shocked at some parents response

Saline, Michigan school board member expresses shock after discovering some parents oppose including LGBTQ topics in the updated sex education curriculum.

October 19, 2024
Michigan Mother Speaks Out After Daughter’s Suicide Attempt Following School Bullying

ALLEGAN COUNTY, Mich - A young girl named Jazzmin, from the west side of Michigan, tragically attempted to take her own life after enduring relentless bullying at her school. Her mother, Heather, has been by her side in the hospital for over three weeks as doctors provide comfort care, acknowledging that Jazzmin is unlikely to recover.

If you're struggling, you're not alone. Reach out to someone you trust or call the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. You matter, and help is available.

Heather recounted how her daughter, a once shy but spunky child she lovingly nicknamed "Fast Jazzy," had struggled with bullying after entering middle school. Despite reporting the bullying to school officials multiple times, Heather claims her concerns were not taken seriously, and no formal action was taken to protect her daughter. Heather shared her deep sorrow, expressing that Jazzmin had confided in her about the bullying but continued to suffer emotionally, feeling helpless.

This heart-wrenching situation ...

October 19, 2024
Reports are coming in from Shelby County, Tennessee, where numerous voters are claiming that the voting machines are switching their selections. Election officials are investigating the issue as concerns continue to grow.

Reports are coming in from Shelby County, Tennessee, where numerous voters are claiming that the voting machines are switching their selections. Election officials are investigating the issue as concerns continue to grow.

October 24, 2024
🚨WHY?🚨Florida has 21.5 million people, Michigan has 10 million people. How can Florida get election results back on election night and Michigan can't.

🚨WHY?🚨Florida has 21.5 million people, Michigan has 10 million people. How can Florida get election results back on election night and Michigan can't.

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News they don't want you to see
Friday October 25, 2024

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MESA COUNTY, AZ - At least a dozen mail ballots were stolen, fraudulently filled out and submitted in Mesa County for the Nov. 5 election in a scheme announced Thursday by Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold.

Authorities detected the scheme before most of the ballots were processed, she said. But three were successfully cast after clearing a signature-review process. A fourth ballot nearly made it through, but it was flagged after the legitimate voter received a notification that their ballot had been cast, Griswold said.

Election officials cannot retrieve the three fraudulent ballots, Griswold said, and they will be counted.

The ballots were all completed, including with a required signature on the back of the return envelope, and submitted via U.S. Postal Service boxes, rather than ballot drop-box locations.

Officials said the issue was identified via the signature verification process. Mesa County uses an electronic signature verification process, comparing it to signatures on file, and election judges also manually check the signatures on the back of the envelopes at times. Click here to read more.

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SALINE, Mich - A Michigan educator blamed a new algorithm for a 10-point drop in math scores in 2024.

Participants at an Oct. 8, Saline Area Schools Board of Education meeting reviewed the district’s performance on a test from the Northwest Education Association. Math scores for the district’s fifth grade students dropped 10 points between the spring and fall tests of 2024.

Board member Jennifer Steben asked about the decline in Rasch units, which the evaluation association uses to measure a student’s achievement in each subject.

Caroline Stout, a teaching and learning team member with the district, blamed the 10-point drop in the test’s algorithm. The test result is “not a 10-point drop in what we think of as student achievement,” Stout told those assembled.

The district, not the evaluation association, performed the analysis that used the new algorithm. She added that the new algorithm contributed to the 10-point drop between the spring and fall test. Click here to read more.


LOS ANGELES, CALIF - The latest Trump accuser, who chose to fully roll out her accusations two weeks before the presidential election, is actually a Democrat activist.

An ex-model named Stacey Williams came forward with her story, alleging that former President Donald Trump touched her inappropriately 31 years ago.

Williams, who dated sexual abuser Jeffry Epstein, said the billionaire pedophile introduced her to Trump in 1992, and she claims the incident occurred at Trump Tower the following year, in 1993.

“It became very clear then that he and Donald were really, really good friends and spent a lot of time together,” Williams said, according to the Guardian, which reported this story on Wednesday.

According to her story, Epstein suggested that they go for a stroll and stop by Trump Tower. She then claimed that upon greeting her, Trump “pulled her toward him and started groping her.” Click here to read more.


NASHVILLE, TN - Tennessee’s top prosecutor on Wednesday said his office uncovered a scheme by the Biden-Harris administration to release a massive number of illegal migrants into the state, but the plan was ultimately derailed.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) attempted to release illegal migrants into Tennessee, but those plans were scrapped following pushback from the governor and other lawmakers, according to documents obtained by Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Federal immigration authorities had attempted to transport potentially thousands of single adult migrants from out-of-state detention facilities and release them into Tennessee in coordination with non-profit groups, Skrmetti alleged.

“The federal government’s single most important job is to keep dangerous people out of our country and instead it has let killers and rapists illegally cross our border and walk free on our streets,” Skrmetti stated in a press release.

“While the urgent work to fix our broken immigration system continues in Washington, my Office will keep fighting for transparency and accountability,” Skrmetti continued. Click here to read more.


SALT LAKE CITY, UT - SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) — Homeless voters have more options than in previous years this upcoming presidential election after a 2023 bill opened the possibility of using addresses for parks and intersections on voter registration forms.

November 5 will mark the first presidential election since a bill was passed in Utah last year allowing for several voting provisions. One change makes it possible for people without permanent housing to use a shelter, resource center, medical clinic, or even a park as their registered address.

Helen Moser, the director of voter services for the League of Women Voters of Utah, explained that this bill gives people experiencing homelessness options so they can still cast their ballot regardless of their living situation.

“We see the unhoused as a very important constituent group, and these are folks whose lives are greatly impacted by the decisions that are made by our elected officials,” Moser said. “So their voice needs to be heard, not just in this election, but every election.”

Moser said people experiencing homelessness can either register ahead of time or vote at a poll, options that each come with conveniences and challenges for people without housing. Click here to read more.


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October 24, 2024
News they don't want you to see
Thursday October 24, 2024

COLUMBUS, OH - Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost announced six indictments for voter fraud Tuesday stemming from referrals made by Secretary of State Frank LaRose earlier this year. Even as Yost insisted on the importance of the investigations and prosecutions he sought to calibrate the scope of the issue.

Voting is a “sacred right” Yost said. The six charges represent less than 1% of the referrals made by LaRose’s office. The AG added he doesn’t expect jail time in any of the cases and expressed minor frustrations with the quality of referrals.

Yost’s office received more than 600 referrals of alleged voter fraud from the Secretary of State, which the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation investigated. Of those referrals only 138 included allegations of illegal voting — the remainder had to do with issues like improper registrations.

The attorney general stressed that illegal voting is a “strict liability” offense.

“Think about a speeding ticket,” Yost said. “You are stopped for going 52 miles an hour. You thought it was a 50 mile an hour zone. Cop tells you it’s 35. Doesn’t make any difference that you didn’t intend to speed, that you didn’t know that you were speeding, or even that you were reckless or negligent about it — you’re just liable, and ignorance of the law is no excuse.”

But his office can only pursue charges after the local county prosecutor is given “adequate time” to take them up on its own. In all, Yost successfully brought six charges against lawful permanent residents.

  • Ramesh Patel faces one count of illegal voting in Cuyahoga County

  • Lorinda Miller faces two counts of illegal voting in Summit County

  • Nicholas Fontaine faces one count of illegal voting in Portage County

  • Ahmed Aden, Van Thuy Cooper and Maria Dearaujo all face one count of illegal voting in Franklin County. Click here to read more.


DEL RIO, TX - Some migrants from countries the United States has pegged as being “of special interest” are using fake passports so they have an easier time getting into the United States.

Countries that are designated as being of particular interest are those such as Russia, North Korea, China, Cuba and Pakistan, which don’t give the United States access to databases. Migrants trying to cross from these places usually experience extra vetting at the border as a result.

A new alert from Border Patrol sent out around the Yuma Sector of Arizona says two Pakistani nationals were encountered over the weekend. These nationals were caught using passports from the Republic of South Africa that didn’t belong to them.

One was deemed an inconclusive match on a terrorist screening database. This means that the National Targeting Center is unable to determine if the individual encountered is a match to one on the watchlist, so he’ll need additional vetting.

Both individuals said that their original passports were taken. The fake ones were provided by their human smuggler, who was operating between South Africa and Pakistan. The men said they were told they should not use their Pakistani passports. Click here to learn more.


BOSTON, MASS - A doctor studying the effects of puberty-blocking drugs on children is reportedly withholding publishing data because the findings may be used by critics who support bans on the procedure.

Doctor Johanna Olson-Kennedy, a leading physician at one of the country’s largest youth gender clinics, led a two-year federally funded study in 2015 that followed 95 children receiving hormone blockers as part of sex-change procedures to monitor changes in mental health, according to The New York Times. Olson-Kennedy reportedly feared that in light of recent attempts to limit the procedure, the results of the study showing no improvement to mental health outcomes may reveal that “we shouldn’t use blockers because it doesn’t impact [the kids],” according to the NYT.

“I do not want our work to be weaponized,” Olson-Kennedy told the NYT. “It has to be exactly on point, clear and concise. And that takes time.”

The doctor argued that the findings of the study were neutral because the kids were “in really good shape when they come in, and they’re in really good shape after two years,” but earlier published findings from the study reveal that at the beginning of the study, roughly one-quarter of children reported symptoms of depression, anxiety and suicidal ideation, while nearly 8% had previously attempted suicide. The study did not show improved trends, Olson-Kennedy told the NYT. Click here to read more.


DETROIT, Mich - Ford CEO Jim Farley loves Chinese electric vehicles, particularly the one he flew in from Shanghai that he’s been driving daily for half a year.

“I don’t like talking about the competition so much, but I drive the Xiaomi,” Farley told Robert Llewellyn, host of the Fully Charged podcast, in a recent interview. “We flew one from Shanghai to Chicago, and I’ve been driving it for six months now, and I don’t want to give it up.”

“It’s fantastic,” he said. “They sell 10,000, 20,000 a month. They’re sold out for six months.”

Farley admitted to his fondness for his Xiaomi after the company he heads took millions of taxpayer dollars and tax incentives to build Ford EVs.

In late August, AutoBody News reported that the Michigan Economic Development Corporation had reduced its original $1.03 billion pledge to $409.1 million after Ford announced plans to downsize its EV and battery plants in the state. Click here to read more.


ROCHESTER (Michigan News Source) – Middle school girls who attend Hart Middle School in Rochester Community Schools are “seeing something” and “saying something” about a boy who is using their bathrooms. Now, they expect the school board to “do something.”

One student spoke and said, “We have a biological boy using our bathroom and staff blocking off our bathroom [and] restricting girls from entering as this biological boy uses our bathroom.” She went on to say, “Encountering a boy in the bathroom makes me feel uncomfortable and unsafe. No girl should ever be uncomfortable because there’s a boy in the bathroom alongside of them.”

She pleaded with the board. “We need a solution that ensures the privacy and safety of all students.”

A second student took the mic afterwards and explained the moment she realized a boy was using the girls bathroom. “We felt overlooked and disrespected,” she said. “While I support transgender individuals, allowing someone to use the girls restroom can create an unsettling environment for young women like myself. It is crucial to take action to ensure sure all girls feel safe and comfortable in spaces designated for them.” Click here to read more.



Dave Bondy is an independent journalist and former TV news anchor with over 25 years of experience. After leaving a successful career in mainstream media, Dave launched his own investigative journalism platform to break through the noise and dig deeper into the stories that matter. Known for challenging narratives and providing hard-hitting news, Dave's work reaches nearly 1 million followers across social media platforms. Through his Substack, he delivers free and paid content that exposes the truth behind important issues while championing free speech. Based in Michigan, Dave is committed to giving his audience an unfiltered look at what’s really going on in the world.

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October 23, 2024
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News they don't want you to see
Wednesday October 23, 2024

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ASHEVILLE, NC - A local ABC affiliate reported Sunday that the death toll in western North Carolina has reached 95, with the majority being caused by drowning and landslides. The total Helene death toll is nearly 250.

Gov. Roy Cooper (R) called the hurricane “the deadliest and most devastating storm” in the history of the state.

As the region fights to recover, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has launched a “new initiative” to hire community liaisons to give people opportunities to work, administrator Deanne Criswell said Monday.

“We know that so many people have temporarily lost their jobs. We know that others just want to be able to give back, and we want to help keep people in these communities while they recover,” Criswell said, according to ABC News. “So these new community liaisons are going to work alongside us at FEMA to make sure that they are the local voice, the trusted voice in their community, and that they can share with us the local considerations and the concerns, so we can include them as part of this recovery.” Click here to read more.

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DETROIT, Mich - The campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris said Tuesday it "regrets" a Muslim Democrat was kicked out of a rally featuring the Democratic nominee Monday evening in Royal Oak and said "he is welcome at future events."

Ahmed Ghanim of Ferndale, an activist who ran for U.S. House in the 11th District that covers parts of Oakland County, said he had RSVP'd, cleared security and was sitting in the auditorium at the Royal Oak Musical Theatre responding to emails on his phone when a staffer with the venue approached him and asked him to follow her.

At the theater's door, the staffer closed it behind him, and he was asked to leave or told he'd be put in the back of a police car. Ghanim said he questioned a Secret Service officer about why he was being removed, and the response was: "It's not us. It's the venue."

A day later, Ghanim said he still had not been provided an explanation for what happened and had heard from no one at the Harris campaign or with the Michigan Democratic Party. He felt targeted because he is Muslim, he said.

"They kicked me out without ― providing zero reasons provided to me. I didn't have anything. There is no provocation. I didn't even have any like a Palestinian kaffiyeh, any signs or a banner, nothing. None of that is allowed inside," Ghanim said.


LANSING, Mich - Michigan employers would have to provide suitable seats for employees or face a $250 fine under a new bill introduced in Lansing.

House Bill 5983, introduced by Dylan Wegela, D-Garden City, would require “employers to provide suitable seats for employees under certain circumstances.”

The Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity could impose a $250 fine for each aggrieved employee covered by the law every two weeks.

The bill specifies ergonomic seating is required “at a location that is owned, leased, or operated by or under the control of the employer.” The bill introduced in September does not stipulate that proper seating would be required for people working at home for a business.

”If you've ever worked a job where you stand for hours on end for no reason, you know how common sense reasonable seating is,” Wegela told Michigan Capitol Confidential in an email. He asked why cashiers, for example, must stand when they could do the job seated.

“In an era of stock buy-backs and record corporate profits, I find it hard to believe there are businesses that can’t afford a chair or two for workers who generate their wealth in the first place,” Wegela wrote. Click here to read more.


LOGANSPORT, Indiana — Thousands of migrants from Haiti and dozens of other countries have arrived in this isolated Indiana city of 18,000 in just a few years.

Furious residents say they no longer feel safe in the once-sleepy downtown, and their kids are being muscled out of the schools by new students who don’t know English and need a lot of help.

They blame Vice President Kamala Harris and President Biden.

“Do something. Our community cannot withstand this many people being here,” Candice Espinoza, 32, a local photographer, told The Post when asked what her message would be to the Democratic presidential candidate.

Nancy Baker, 44, a mother of two, was more blunt about what she would tell Harris: “Get off my property.”

“I don’t see how she can stand behind Biden the whole time and she keeps deflecting anytime they ask questions.”

It’s not entirely clear how many migrants have arrived in Logansport — but Cass County Health Department Administrator Serenity Alter told The Post that the surrounding area’s population has surged nearly 30%. Click here to read more.


CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — The population at the Chattanooga Zoo has now grown by 2, and now zoo officials need your help giving this endangered pied tamarin pair a name.

The zoo announced Tuesday that 2 endangered pied tamarins were born back on September 19th, to parents Daphne and Dudley.

Pied tamarins are a critically endangered species native to a small area of the Brazilian rainforest. The zoo says pied tamarins face severe threats from habitat destruction and urban expansion around the port city of Manaus.

The species is also endangered by the exotic pet trade, with experts warning they could face extinction within decades.

Chattanooga Zoo has been home to pied tamarins since 2009, and the zoo's breeding program has seen several successes, including the births of Dudley and Dobby in 2016 and Crash and Eddy in 2021. Click here to read more.


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